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선즈오브 더 포레스트 아이템 코드 (ID) : 커맨드(명령어) 모음


선즈오브 더 포레스트 아이템 코드 (ID)




위 파일에서 해당 ID를 편집할 수 있습니다.

아이템 이름 아이템 코드 ID
3dPrintedArrow 618
3dPrintedArrowHeads 559
3dPrintedFlask 426
3dPrintedFlowerPot 561
3dPrintedGrapplingHook 560
3dPrintedKnife 427
3dPrintedSled 428
3dPrintedUnderwaterMask 429
3dPrinterResin 390
9mmAmmo 362
AirCanister 469
Airgun 357
AirgunScope 470
AlbumCover 467
AloeVera 451
AloeVeraSeed 596
ArrowleafBalsamroot 454
ArrowleafSeed 597
Backpack 402
Batteries 527
BatteryCharger 458
BatteryPack 460
Binoculars 341
Blackberries 595
BlackberrySeed 598
Blueberries 445
BlueberrySeed 599
BlueprintBirdHouse 581
BlueprintBoneChair 579
BlueprintBoneChandelier 588
BlueprintBook 552
BlueprintDryingRack 530
BlueprintFishTrap 582
BlueprintHangingSkullLight 625
BlueprintMannequin 584
BlueprintPlanterFloor 587
BlueprintPlanterWall 586
BlueprintRockPath 622
BlueprintScarecrow 585
BlueprintShelf 621
BlueprintSmallLogCabin 591
BlueprintStickBed 532
BlueprintStickChair 531
BlueprintStickLadder 580
BlueprintStorageBones 608
BlueprintStorageBox 583
BlueprintStorageLogs 609
BlueprintStorageRocks 607
BlueprintStorageSticks 610
BlueprintTable 620
BlueprintTrapBoneMaker 549
BlueprintTrapFlySwatter 550
BlueprintTrapSmallAnimalCatcher 551
BlueprintWallShelf 623
BlueprintWallTorch 624
BlueprintWeaponRack 533
BlueTShirt 488
Bone 405
BoneArmour 494
BuckshotAmmo 364
BunkerPamphlet 509
C4Brick 420
CannedFood 434
CanOpener 432
CatFood 464
CerealBox 425
Chicory 465
ChicorySeed 605
CircuitBoard 416
ClimbingAxe 478
Cloth 415
Coins 502
CombatKnife 380
CompactPistol 355
CompactPistolRail 376
ContactSpringTrigger 514
ContactTrigger 511
CookingPot 517
CraftedArrow 507
CraftedBow 443
CraftedClub 477
CraftedSpear 474
CreepyArmour 593
CreepySkin 592
Cross 468
Crossbow 365
CrossbowAmmoBolt 368
CrossbowQuiverMod 384
DeerHide 472
DeerHideArmour 519
DevilsClub 449
DevilsClubSeed 600
DuctTape 419
EmailPrintoutAstrologyA 539
EmailPrintoutAstrologyB 540
EmailPrintoutAstrologyC 541
EmailPrintoutBalletA 545
EmailPrintoutCaveLighting 521
EmailPrintoutGolfA 534
EmailPrintoutGolfB 535
EmailPrintoutGolfC 536
EmailPrintoutGolfD 537
EmailPrintoutGovernmentA 614
EmailPrintoutGovernmentB 615
EmailPrintoutGovernmentC 616
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyFinancial 528
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyWill 526
EmailPrintoutPaintingA 538
EmailPrintoutPoliticianA 542
EmailPrintoutPoliticianB 543
EmailPrintoutPoliticianC 544
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesA 546
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesB 547
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesC 548
EmergencyPack 483
EnergyBar 441
EnergyDrink 439
EnergyMix 461
EnergyMixPlus 462
Feather 479
FireAxe 431
Fireweed 453
FireweedSeed 601
Fish 436
Flare 440
Flashlight 471
FlashlightMod 378
Flask 475
Flippers 463
FlyAmanitaMushroom 400
FoodCubeBrain 569
FoodCubeSteak 570
FoodCubeSteakAndBacon 571
FoodTray 497
FoodTrayFilled 512
GoldenArmour 572
GoldMask 435
GolfBall 524
GolfPutter 525
GPSLocator 529
GPSTracker 412
GrabBag 351
GRABSLaserPointer 498
Grenade 381
GrenadeAmmo 382
GuaranaBerries 594
GuaranaSeed 602
Guitar 340
HalfLog 408
HalfLogPlank 577
HangGlider 626
HealthMix 455
HealthMixPlus 456
HolovilleNoticeA 562
HolovilleNoticeB 563
HolovilleNoticeC 564
HolovilleNoticeD 565
Hoodie 490
Horsetail 450
HorsetailSeed 603
HydnumRepandumMushroom 399
Katana 367
KeyCardGuest 567
KeyCardMaintenance 566
KeyCardVIP 568
KingOysterMushroom 398
LaserMeasureTool 505
LaserSightMod 375
Leaf 484
LeafArmour 473
LeatherJacket 493
Log_Legacy 78
LogPlank 395
LootPouch 508
Machete2 359
Meat 433
ModernAxe 356
Molotov 388
MolotovAmmo 389
Money 496
MrePack 438
MrPufftonTableCard 627
MrsPufftonTableCard 628
NewspaperCutout 612
NewspaperCutoutOutbid 613
NightVisionGoggles 354
NovelA 423
NovelB 424
NovelC 574
NovelD 575
NumbersPrintout 611
OldJacket 491
Oyster 466
PaperTarget 518
Pills 437
PistolAmmoBox 370
PistolSuppressor 374
PlasmaLighter 413
PuffyJacket 500
QuarterLog 406
QuarterLogPlank 576
Radio 590
RamenNoodles 421
Rebreather 444
RedMask 391
RepairTool 422
Revolver 386
Rifle 361
RifleAmmo 387
RifleRailMod 383
Rock 393
Rope 403
RopeGun 522
Salmonberries 447
SalmonberrySeed 604
ScopeMod 377
SeveredArm 480
SeveredHead 482
SeveredLeg 481
ShiitakeMushroom 397
ShotgunAmmoBoxBuckshot 371
ShotgunAmmoBoxSlug 372
ShotgunPumpAction 358
ShotgunRail 346
Shovel 485
SilkPyjamas 487
Skull 430
SleepingBag 573
Slingshot 459
SlugAmmo 363
SmallRock 476
Snowberries 448
Spring 513
Stick 392
StockPricePrintout 617
Structure Element 520
StunGun 353
StunGunAmmo 369
StunGunAmmoBox 457
TacticalAxe 379
TacticalBoots 501
TacticalBow 360
TacticalBowAmmo 373
TacticalChainsaw 394
TacticalJacket 495
TacticalPants 489
Tarp 504
TaserStick 396
TechArmour 554
TechMesh 553
ThreeQuarterLog 409
ThreeQuarterLogPlank 578
TimeBomb 417
Torch 503
TrackerDart 366
TurtleEgg 401
TurtleShell 506
TutorialBook 589
TutorialPageBasicBuilding 515
TutorialPageTarpTent 516
Tuxedo 492
Twinberries 446
VirginiaCamoSuit 558
VirginiaDress 556
VirginiaLeatherSuit 557
VirginiaSwimSuit 619
VirginiaTrackSuit 555
VodkaBottle 414
WalkieTalkie 486
Wetsuit 499
Wire 418
Wristwatch 410
Yarro 452
YarroSeed 606
ZiplineRope 523



커맨드 명령어 모음

Command Arguments
addAllBookPages string arg
addAllItems object o
addAllStoryItems object o
additem string nameOrId
additemswithtag string tag
addmemory string amount
addVirginia string param
aiAngerLevel string param
aiAnimSpeed string param
aiArmorLevel string param
aiArmorTier string param
aiDisable string onoff
aiDodgeTest string onoff
aiDummy string onoff
aiForceStrafe string onoff
aiGhostPlayer string onoff
aiGodMode string onoff
aiJumpDebug string onoff
aiKnockdownDisable string onoff
aiMemoryAdjust string param
aiPause string onoff
aiPoolStats string onoff
aiRadar string paramString
aiRunWorldEvent string param
aiShowAnims string paramString
aiShowDebug string param
aiShowDebugCamera string onoff
aiShowEventMemory string paramString
aiShowHealth string paramString
aiShowNavGraph string fullParam
aiShowPaths string onoff
aiShowPlayerInfluences string paramString
aiShowStats string paramString
aiShowSurvivalStats string paramString
aiShowThoughts string paramString
aiStatAdjust string param
aiStructureLog string onoff
aiTestSleep string param
aiThought string param
aiThoughtNoCooldown string onoff
aiVailStats string onoff
aiVerboseLog string onoff
aiVillageClosest string onoff
aiWorldEventStats string onoff
aiWorldStats string onoff
aiZoneStats string onoff
allowAsync string onoff
ammohack string onoff
animalLimitMult string param
animalsEnabled string onoff
anisoEnabled string arg
anisoMinMax string arg
applyDefaultMaterials string onOff
areaShadow string onoff
astar string onoff
audio2dTest string arg
audioDebug string onOff
audioDescription string audioEventPattern
audioParameter string audioParamPattern
audioPlayEvent string audioEventPattern
billboardEnabled string args
billboardIgnoreChanges string arg
blockPlayerFinalDeath string arg
breakObjects string args
buildermode string onoff
buildhack string onoff
cameraDlss string onOff
cameraFov string fov
capsulemode string onoff
caveLight string param
characterLods string onoff
checkAttachedEntities string onoff
checkExitMenu string onoff
checkFrozenEntities string onoff
clear object o
clearallsettings object arg
clearAudioParameters string audioParamPattern
clearBushRadius string param
clearmidactionflag object obj
cloudEnable string onOff
cloudFactor string coverAmount
cloudShadowsEnable string onOff
combatTestStart string param
count string name
countGoWithlayer string layerName
counttag string name
createLight string args
creepyVillage string param
crouchToggle string toggle
damageDebug string onoff
deathCount string value
debugPlayerHitLog string onoff
debugPlayerMelee string param
demoMode string onoff
destroy string name
destroyRagdoll string onoff
destroyWildcard string wildcard
diagRenderers string param
diggingClear string value
disablecomponent string name
disableGameObjectTester string args
disablego string name
disableGoWildcard string wildcard
disableScene string name
disconnectPlayer string arg
disconnectPlayers string arg
dismemberRadius string param
dumplobbyinfo object arg
duplicateObject string args
dynamicResolutionCycleTest string arg
dynamicResolutionOverride string arg
dynamicResolutionTarget string arg
enableCheats string toggle
enableCollisionBasedKillBox string onoff
enablecomponent string name
enablego string name
enableScene string name
enableStructureGhosts string onoff
energyhack string onoff
exposureSetSpeed string args
filteraudio string filter
findObjectsWithShader string shaderName
firstLookForce string onoff
follow string arg
followStop string arg
footstepDebug string param
forceCloud string profile
forceCloudProfile string profile
forcePlayerExpression string name
forcerain string arg
forceRemoveTrees string countStr
freecamera string onoff
gameOverDelayTime string arg
gamePadDeadzone string value
gamePadXSensitivity string value
gamePadYSensitivity string value
gccollect object o
getGameMode string arg
getlayerculldistance string args
godmode string onoff
goto string arg
gotoCoords string arg
gotoforce string arg
gototag string arg
gravity string value
greebledRocksCollision string onoff
heallocalplayer string amountString
help object o
hideworldposfor string componentName
hitlocalplayer string damageStr
igniteRadius string param
inspectgo string name
instantRespawnHere string param
invertLook string param
invisible string onoff
joinSteamLobby string arg
jumpTimeOfDay string value
kickPlayers string arg
killlocalplayer object o
killRadius string param
knockdownLocalPlayer string param
listActiveEntities string val
listDeathMarkers string args
listGoWithlayer string layerName
listitems object o
listitemswithtags object o
listObjects string arg
load string slotIndexArg
loadDebugConsoleMod string filename
loadMacros string param
loadplayer string arg
loadScene string levelArg
loadSceneSingle string levelArg
lockTimeOfDay string value
lodDebugBillboards string onOff
lodDebugMaterials string onOff
lodDebugRanges string lodType
lodForce2DDistance string arg
lodForce3DDistance string arg
logging string onoff
loghack string onoff
logShowErrors string onOff
logShowInfo string onOff
logShowNone string onOff
logShowWarnings string onOff
logTextures string intervalArg
mipmapStreaming string onOff
mipmapStreamingBudget string value
mipmapStreamingDiscard string onOff
mouseXSensitivity string value
mouseYSensitivity string value
navGraphForceUpdate string param
netAnimator string onoff
netSkinnedBones string onoff
netSpawnPlayer string onoff
openmacrosfolder string _
physicsUpdateTime string onoff
playDeathCutscene string args
playDeathMarker string args
playDeathMarkerIndex string args
playerAnimParams string arg
playerDebugCamera string onoff
playerInterruptKeys string arg
playernetanimator string onoff
playerVisibility string onoff
playGameOver object o
postProcessingComponent string arg
profilersample string onoff
profilersnapshot object arg
qualityTexture string args
radioDebug string arg
refillContainers string args
refreshEntities string val
regenhealth string arg
removeAllItems object o
removeAllStoryItems object o
removeDead string param
removeitem string nameOrId
removeLiving string param
removeShader string shaderName
renderSpheres string onoff
replaceShader string shaderName
reporterrorsnow string message
reportlogsnow string message
reportwarningsnow string message
resetSettings string args
revivelocalplayer object o
robbyCarry string param
robbyInCutscenes string arg
rumbleTest string args
save string slotIndexArg
saveplayer string arg
season string arg
sendMessageTo string arg
setCurrentDay string num
setDifficultyMode string arg
setExitedEndGame string param
setGameMode string arg
setGameSetupSetting string args
setGameTimeSpeed string speedStr
setinventorypercent string arg
setlayerculldistance string args
setLookRotation string rotation
setOpeningCrash string arg
setPlayerRace string inputString
setProperty string args
setSetting string args
setSpeakerMode string mode
setstat string arg
setTimeOfDay string value
setWindIntensity string val
setWorldObjectStateRange string args
showActiveLights string param
showButterflyInfo string onOff
showCollisionObjectNames string param
showFps string onoff
showHud string onoff
showInWorldUi string onoff
showMeshMaterialNames string param
showMeshObjectNames string param
showMeshTriangleCounts string param
showObjectLocation string objectName
showProjectileTrails string onOff
showStimuli string param
showTriggerCollision string param
showui string onoff
showWorldObjects string param
showworldposfor string componentName
slapchop string onoff
spawnedObjectStats string onoff
spawnFallingTree string arg
spawnitem string itemIdentifier
spawnpickup string nameOrId
spawnRenderSpheres string onoff
speedyrun string onoff
sprintToggle string toggle
superJump string onoff
survival string onoff
targetFrameRate string rate
terrainParallax string args
terrainPixelError string val
terrainRender string onoff
terrainRenderSimple string onoff
terrainTess string args
terrainTessDist string args
testeventmask object arg
timeOfDayConnectionDebug string arg
timeOfDayDebug string arg
timescale string scaleStr
toggleFPSDisplay string val
togglego string name
toggleOcclusionCulling string val
toggleOverlay object o
togglePlayerStats object o
toggleVSync string val
toggleWorkScheduler string param
trailer3 object o
treeCutSimulateBolt string arg
treeFallContactInfo string args
treeOcclusionBonus string arg
treeRadius string param
treesCutAll string value
unloadScene string levelArg
unloadUnusedAssets object o
unlockSeason string arg
useRigidBodyRotation string onoff
veganmode string onoff
virginiaGiveItem int itemId
virginiaInCutscenes string arg
virginiaSentiment string param
virginiaVisit string param
vrFps string onoff
workscheduler string trycatch
worldGroupId string args
wsscaling string onoff



참고하시면 좋은 글

[IT/PC 콘솔 게임] - 선즈오브더 포레스트 (Sons Of The Forest) 치트(치트키) : 콘솔 명령어 사용법


선즈오브더 포레스트 (Sons Of The Forest) 치트(치트키) : 콘솔 명령어 사용법

선즈오브더 포레스트 (Sons Of The Forest) 치트(치트키) : 콘솔 명령어 사용법 선즈오브 더 포레스트 치트(치트키) : 콘솔 명령어 활성화 방법 선즈오브더 포레스트의 치트키(콘솔 명령어)를 활용하기
